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Newsletter # 11
Newsletter # 11
Greetings friends, family, supporters and patrons!
I hope your summer is going well... Strange times and weird weather here in NZ. The kids are back at school and I now have more time for art projects. I'm still working out exactly what to focus on this year but I have had a few things bubbling away.
St Luke Arrives at Te Papa

Oil on plywood, 572 x 572mm.
Not long after completing the St Lukes Tauranga Liturgical Calendar, Joseph showed me a small book on The Book of Kells which is an ancient illuminated manuscript of the Bible. It is gorgeous and will no doubt influence the direction of future work. At the same time I was reading about The Battle of Gate Pa here in Tauranga and it struck me what an impact the Christian message had on our history. In the heat of the battle, local Maori defending their homelands displayed premeditated kindness towards an Empire that was robbing them. This was due to the code of conduct they adhered to, which was the product of Christian teachings from the missionaries. The first gospel in Te Reo was the book of Luke. The graphic in the centre of this painting is a symbolic depiction of St Luke as a calf.
Tuhua Merkaba (work in progress)

Left to right shows the stages of development for this work. 2 studies and now the next stage is to print the translucent landscape imagery over the geometric structure. This work continues the idea of mapping and structuring the picture area to add some framework and mystery to the final picture. The shape is based on Merkaba, a sacred geometric form that according to Wikipedia relates to: a school of early Jewish mysticism, c. 100 BCE – 1000 CE, centered on visions such as those found in the Book of Ezekiel chapter 1, or in the hekhalot literature ("palaces" literature), concerning stories of ascents to the heavenly palaces and the Throne of God.
Hot Sauce!

My crop of chillies are coming along nicely despite all the rain. This year I will have 6 flavours of premium home brewed hot sauce for you to enjoy. They will range in heat levels from the mild Ginger Zest, all the way up to Scorpion Sting, a super hot sauce made with Scorpion and Carolina Reaper peppers. The first batch of the year is Tomato Fusion. A spicy tomato sauce infused with apple and Oregano. Divine! It is bottled and ready for labels so watch my Instagram for updates about when it is ready to purchase. Other flavours will include Pumpkin & Orange,Extra Garlic and Habanero Red Wine.
Art Installation
I recently did some gallery prep work in Whakatane and I'm looking forward to helping at Tauranga Art Gallery with the installation of Paul Darragh's work in the next few weeks. I also got to mount and install some of my older works at my brothers new house. So much better with art on the walls!

St Lukes Church Tauranga Liturgical Calendar
December was a busy month for print sales. I still have some unframed limited edition prints available and one framed print ready to go. For those who missed it, I spoke at church about the formation and development of this work once it was installed. You can watch the Youtube video of that here. Joseph does a wonderful introduction and my bit starts at 15mins.
If you are in Auckland, come along to Rhythms of Grace Church in Parnell on Sunday 26th February at 9am to hear me talk about the Liturgical Calendar artwork in detail.

Hemp Depo!

My Sister Hayley has just launched her website for Hemp Depo, a brand of high quality, boutique, hand made garments for men and women. I was involved in making the signage and even a bit of modelling! Purchase online or from the store in the Historic Village, 17th Avenue, Tauranga.
I have limited edition prints and 12 original artworks available to purchase immediately. For those who live in Tauranga, shipping costs will pay for delivery and installation!
Please share this with anyone and follow me on Instagram and Facebook for updates