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Newsletter # 13
Newsletter # 13
Greetings friends, family, supporters, and patrons!
Right now, I’m typing rather awkwardly with my left arm in a sling propped on an armrest. On Thursday 25th January I broke my collarbone while mountain biking at Oropi. Bugger. A few other emphatic words were uttered as I gathered my senses and realized what I had done. The 2 red circles are meant to be together:

This has allowed for some rest and reflection. A chance to consider my short and long term hopes for the future. I’ve been reading about cycles of chaos and order and how important it is that we don’t get stuck in too much of either. A beautiful vegetable garden needs to have old plants pulled out, compost added, and the whole thing turned over to prepare for fresh growth. The very reason I like mountain biking is because of the chaos. I choose the bumpy, steep, slippery surfaces of the forest over smoothly sealed roads because of the adventure and excitement. I like road cycling as well, and I do like a tidy art studio. I also love going to homes with no kids where everything is orderly and tidy, all the time! But kids learn from messy play and an art studio needs to get a bit disordered to create anything. I have described art making as simply making some messy marks, and then tidying them up. James Ormsby talks of just drawing some big circles at the start of a session, just to get the eye, hand, arm, brain, and heart warmed up and ready to go. 2023 was a busy time with lots of new opportunities, but the latter half didn't involve much art making. This year I will make more time to create new art.

My collarbone has just had surgery and some additional hardware to bring the bone back to its right place. Then will be a period of healing and rehabilitation to get back to normal strength. I need that strength. Nearly all my jobs have involved some manual labour, my first jobs were all about manual labour. At that time, I joked with my brother about leaving my brain in a jar during the day because all that was needed was muscle. I still need some muscle. My brain power and art practice are not yet enough to sustain me, so I have big plans to promote and expand my art installation services. But there will be 6 weeks of no art installation, 3 months of no heavy mirror installation for me. I have colleagues who can do this work while I’m recovering so, please feel free to call 0212682316. While I’m recovering, I can work on my logo and vehicle graphics, create business cards and flyers, and then go and be polite and charming to old people! I think there is a massive opportunity in the local retirement village industry. They have a real need for my services. I like being helpful, and it makes me feel young and strong!

Tauranga Moana Waterscapes: 1800s - Present
I’m still helping at Tauranga Art Gallery as the Redevelopment Project Manager. Although the main Gallery is closed for impending renovations, there is still lots happening behind the scenes, as well as the Pop Up Gallery at 42 Devonport Rd. Speaking of which, I have been invited to be in an exhibition there! My work “Searching for Home” was selected by curator Ellie Smith to be part of an exhibition called Tauranga Moana Waterscapes:1800s – Present. This is a wonderful opportunity to see my work alongside some old treasures and with works by my friends Kelcy Taratoa, Elliot Mason, and Graham Crow. Drawing on artworks from three of Tauranga’s largest public collections; the Tauranga Art Gallery Collection, Tauranga City Libraries Archives, and the Civic Art Collection, as well as selected works by prominent local contemporary artists, Tauranga Moana Waterscapes: 1800s - Present will showcase the range and evolution of artistic interpretations of the estuaries, beaches, harbours, and sea that make up our land. The exhibition, sponsored by BOP Times, will be open to the public from 17 February - 3 June 2024. There will be some public programmes for this so I’ll be sure to let you know dates and details. I’d love to see you there.

Today in Paradise
As soon as my shoulder allows, I’ll be back in the studio working on illustrations for Andrew Corin’s book Today in Paradise
Today In Paradise is a fictional story which presents an historical view of Jesus and his cultural context which is raw, confronting and inspiring through themes of youthful rebellion, mental distress, the place of sabbath, sexual identity, fidelity, and, centrally, a revolutionary view of the role of women in ancient middle eastern society, framed in an ancient literary style of inverted parallelism.
Fans of well-researched historical fiction with confronting characters and themes are the target audience of Today in Paradise. This book will appeal to adult readers seeking to understand the socio-cultural and religious tensions and motivations of the ancient Holy Land, what has come to be known as Israel and Palestine. Those readers whose Christian, Jewish, and Secular worldviews are open to imaginative discovery will be stimulated by this book.
Today in Paradise will be available at Easter from local bookstores or directly from Andrew’s website.

Last summer was not ideal conditions for chilli growing. Too wet. I didn’t get as many bottles brewed as I had hoped but I was very pleased with how sales went. Thank you! I only have 3 bottles of Pumpkin & Orange left and a small assortment at a wee store in Kawerau called At The Oak Crafts.
This summer has been much better! Most of my plants are thriving and fruiting. I had an issue with Killer Compost that took out a few seedlings, but I have since replaced them. I have 8 varieties of chilli and over a 100 chilli plants in total. Sauce production will begin in a couple of months. If anyone has excess feijoas this season send them my way! Feijoa & Ginger was very popular. Assuming I have a bumper crop and assuming I don’t sell all my stock immediately, I’ll be setting up at a local market to spread the good sauce news.

Progress Pillar
Late last year I built some components for a sculpture by Paul Darragh. Now it has been installed in its home in Kirikiriroa, Hamilton and it looks fabulous! Be sure to stop by if you are in the area. Follow this link for more information and an interview with Paul about the origins of his work.
I have limited edition prints and 12 original artworks available to purchase immediately. For those who live in Tauranga, shipping costs will pay for delivery and installation!
Please share this with anyone and follow me on Instagram and Facebook for updates